Tuesday, December 29, 2009


hEY salome roy if you like 8 so much just go bck with him why whuld you care about wat other ppl think bout it dont hurt yourself by it !!!! SEEING YOU LIKE THIS DOSENT REally help you said its ok its ok but its not and im not tht dumb ........DID YOU REALIZE THT HE STILL LIKES YOU I CAN BET THT U CANT MOVE ON THE SAME THING HAPPENED WITH YOU AND U KNOW WHO AHEEEMMM..... ""nabil"" but salome you got over him so now you have 8...... he is there for u now just go for it i have been telling you tht i dont know how many times now ahahahahah!!!!!!! ur a teen now so go for a bf u cant stay lonely forever!!! I LOVE YOU BIATCH <3


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....

December 29, 2009 at 7:30 PM  

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