Friday, December 18, 2009

shullddd ilike you or shuld i hate u can go both ways......i wanted to choose 1 but its so hard to decide im not going to hate you or like you .... i cant believe im saying this but erm i might go with liking ou just as a fren ...... i cant hate u cos i always go out with you i cant like you in the like way cos im over you i heard the 7 ppl you liked and i guess u just like to leave them hnging rite ... inoticed tht igueess( btw not alot of u wouold understand it here ) so let me move on so i felt reli weird when i saw a movie the same thing just like me and i found it weird and tht is why i kinda like stoped cos it is very or reli creepy well yup im bored so here you go


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