Saturday, December 19, 2009


im goin to europe for the whole 2 weeks of holiday goin to be fun sad case goin to miss skool like for 2 days and than im comin to skool oon the 6 th i might drop by on the 5 th to c wat is goin on and c wat class im in i cant miss skool u kno me rite ahahahhaah i have to see them lolz....
on the first day of skool it will be my last day in london and im goin to blog bout how am ogin to miss 2 days of skool im goin to coplain like hell hahahahhahha m bros are goin to hit me in the head for instance estella shut up get a wack lolz star playing cat fight and and and and dna ndnannadn bla bla bla la vla alv;k.nm


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