Saturday, December 5, 2009


SASHA ....
i have to tell you seriously i actually hated you for a very long time and during the part of this year we became good frens and then we just didnt kno wat i always told salome tht i odnt think i can be frens with you anymore but than i guess i was acting to much like a bitch tht i have to stop it .......... well anyways sasha IM TRULY SORRY THT I HAVE DONE ALL THT TO YOU! remember i said i wanted 1 of ur frens to slap you well im sry i guess i just didint like you but i guess im changing to nicer person nowa days... well osme of u might say YA RITE ESTELLA CHANGING TO A NICER PERSON... sasha but everytime i act like a bitch i have this bad feeling in my stomache and i fell bad !!!!!!!!!!!well sasha pls accept my apology if u are ever goin to stay it would be fun sorry!!!!!


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