Wednesday, December 3, 2008

singapore again

Hey yall im bck in singapore and this time is a holiday so yah i stay for 2 weeks and it rocks and im goin to stay in 3 diffrent places aiyoh so fussy man and today my maid cried cause i told her tht i may not see her tht is why then i hugged her and said bye then she didnt want to let go it is so funny man and i was like in a brainstorm well tommorow im goin to go swim i do not want tto tell you guys cause i dont want you guys to be lookin for me lol im just kiddin i got not much pics caus eim in singapore and i didnt bring my usb so i regret tht but ofcourse i brought my camera if i didnt i would always have a bck up cam from my coz wow this is one long thin!!!!!! i think i would live here


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