Friday, November 28, 2008

The click five

Hey yall yesterday i went online to check the click five website then suddenly i saw kyle patricks video and his hair is amazing i always wish to meet him again but i bet you he wont remember me and eventough he does he will just remember me as a fren only and nothin else more and tht really sux i want him to be like my bff well somethin like tht ! but i most probaly think tht it will not happen and when i was lining up for some starbucks 2 boys were lining up behind me and they were like sayin give me bck my 50 bucks then the other boy said i gave it bck to u already then they started to quarrel and it feels weird listening to them quarrel and some more it is in public and it was funny also and my father met like this lady but ofcourse he dosent love her just want to talk to somebody cause i was at the click five concert and it rocked


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