Monday, February 22, 2010

You can lie as much as you want!
but doing something not rite lying to someone is goin to be reli fun for you !
but when something goes rong your the one whois goin to be blamed
why do u have to lie bout something tht aint tru
and tht person doesent belief wat were telling tht persoon .
it might be reli funtht ur getting tht persons attention saying ..... .
but at somepoint you have stop

ur reli nice but .....
i mean im not saying anything but sriously u shuld stop
if you reli want th person go to tht person and tell tht person the truth
other than lying by being another person
tht aint even you....
im sorry but i have to say this cos its the truth if ikeep it you will never
understand \
i might be harsh but wat can i do

you have to kno tht ppl kno
who you are but tht person dosent ccaare\
enjoy life now than lie bout something !
ohwellwat can i dou will definetly not listen
tht person on the other hand thinks imcraazyyy ,jealous,
and who knos wat !


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