Monday, November 2, 2009

<3 i dont get it

YOU KNOW WAT it is so hard to get what L.O.V.E means i seriously dont get it ........ some of you might but you kno me but i just dont its so unusual omg I USED TO LIKE LIKE YOU then i didnt then i do omg could it be cause of you comin or somthing or wat hehehehehehhe but wat ppl are telling me is so weird why i dont care !!!!!! I usualllyyy listen to my frens tell me like just move on i seriously tried but i cant as you all can see im not tht type of person tht lets go easy but i might cause i dont reli want to waste my whole life wasting it....... BUT im keeeppppp on trying ( voh crap im sounding like an idiot) you kno wat i actually miss the time where i used to always text you and stuff and where i used to love calling you an ass hole and stuff like tat but erm moving on lollololloolo im just trying to tell my frens dont care bout me so much bout me and tht dude its my buissnnneeeessssssss PLS DONT WORRYYY OK OK OK ( im not trying to be perasssaaannn but tht yl ah !!!!!)


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