Thursday, October 15, 2009

to peeps

oh hey guys by the way i might be killing my self the only thing im doing is making ppl fell bad and cause of tht i fell damn bad like you know on my b day i sms noura when she wished me and gave back all bad wordings and now i fell guilty i want to be her fren but i just cant cause wat she has become is a dissaster and im not blaming you but i just cant talk to you and by the way whenever i have something to say oyu say stuff and when we always try to tell you it dosent work cause you would be like WHAT ABOUT YOU!!! and it can get preety annoying no matter wat happennsss i really do ont know how to lookat you by the way sasha say all you want but the only thing your doing is wasting your voice ok !!!!! and to salome hey roy thnks for being there with me and leey shiaann to plus sarah you guys have helped me and stuff but im not sure how to repay you maybe when something bad happens i will hit tht persons face im there for you if you guys noticed!!! anyways hope you dont get maxen up


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