Sunday, September 20, 2009


Hey readers do you ever realizee how stressful it is to ever have two parents seperated anyways it is so damn annoying its like you have to go to one of their houses like four times a week and that is like ANNOYING SO MUCH .....!!!!!!!!! anyways im typing this so that all of you actualy understand my life ..... well i think it is like the best thing cause they always fight and my mum is like happier to so is my dad and anyways im goin to cal my self road trip gurl cause everywhere they go i have to follow heheeh i know this makes no sense anyways my life is great cause i have 3 great frens are at my side i know 1 of them is havin a bad time to but we would help her ... well anyways while 1 of my best frens are of to hongkong me and the other 2 are havin fun here but we always want her with us and also she makes ppl happy and annoyed at the same time too ... well that gurl is noura lets move on with it lets see SALOME ROY heheheeh tat gurl is also havin a hard time but she is always happy cause of me heheheh im jokin cause of her three puigs ..... well anyways this holidays are fun cause we always go out wit each other and things hehheeheh anywasys i would like love to type lots of things bout her but then lets also move on to sarah she is a greatand wonderful fren she is always there with us and she always makes everyone laugh with her jokes and she is reli commooon with me anyways her house is so daamn cozy and stuff like that well im goint o mive on and uplaod pics thhththth was done in class during some thing !!!! I KNOW THT YOU MAY FALL ASLEEPPPPP HALF WAY BUT ITS ALIGHT T LEAST YOU READ HALF OF IT


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