Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Cute Pics

Hey yall i told you i love the click five alot and they are coming to kuala lumpur on june again and my dad promised me i could go see their concert !!!!!!! And eventhough their not gonna do a concert its alright ill just find them down!!!!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

True friend

Hey guys this is a video called true friend from hannah mintana she is my best friends insparation and i love her too so watch this video@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

hairspray rocks

hey yall i watched the hairspray movie long time ago and i still remeber the songs do you know why because they sing so well and they inspier me and also they are very good singers duh thats why they inspier me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hey guys i love sushi alot i always go to japanese restrauns . Sushi is so good and including wasabae yummy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I always go to the sushi restraunt in gardens its really good and the come fast !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love sushi because they have diffrent types and alot of addings !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU SUSHI

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


i LOVE this video but ofcourse i always choose click five video first like i say this band is my 2 fave band well watch this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

about my blog

Hey guys my blog is mostly videos and pics . well i love my blog cause there are alot of pics and many videos im gonna put more today so check out my blog every week lol!

my 10th bday

hey guys my these are some pics on my bday it was at chilis in klcc we went shopping and watched a movie and a sleepover party it ws really great and fun lolololololololollo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

me bros and japanese aunty

hey guys this is my aunty her name is ayako she has 2 kids one is chihiro and daiki . They are very nice people and i made sushi with her you can see the pics !!!!!!!!!


Hey guys i ran today 200 meters and im to tired to go to tuition and we had to stay at the sports center for 3 hole hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its a bit boring well i sweated like hell and i was so extremely exausted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

I love them like no other

hey guys i love my 2 coz alot they are really beautiful and pretty here are some pics of them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My 2 fave band

Hey guys my second fave and is jonas brothers coz they sing good and they also look cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

This are pics

Here are some pics of me and my japanese girl and other plp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My cute dog and my bro

This is my dog its name is honey it is a minicer snouzer and it is small lololololoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU HONEY

Japanese home stay

This is me and my bros and the girl is from japan she is like my bff and her name is ayaka and she is really pretty !!!!!!!!!! This is a pic of us

me and my family

Hey guys this is a pic of me and my family in bangkok it is a really nce pic and everybody in my family are great eventhough we fight sometimes lolololollolooloololololololo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Cross country

hey yall today i had cross country at first it was a breeze then ai yoh i only got 1 point and a few people fell down hahhaahahahahaah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so sad oh@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ i didnt fall thats a good thing good for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! mUHAHAAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAAHHAH it was a ok race!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And the house that won today is the red house !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Im going to dance

Hey yall tommorow i mean on sunday im going to dance for open day And my neighbour ashyka is goingt o come afterthat we are going to go to midvalley have dinner there and then pick up my dad !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my dad is not going to come to see me tommorow cause his in bangkok so sad right !!!!!!!!!!!!!1 Anyway who cares Good Night yall !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Miss Annie is my favourite teacher

hey yall this is a story about my teacher !!!!!!!!!! her name is miss annie she is very kind and thoughtful She gives us sweets and she is not so strict im not saying that shes not !!!!!!!!!!!! i really like her as my teacher and in my whole time in school Shes the best teacher !!!!!!!! DONT GET JEALOUS TEACHERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is a really cool show

hey yall i love this show this is from usa as you all know its is called the wizards of waverly place!!!!!!!!!!!!! Heres their pic

a fun day in a schooolllll

Hey yall today i had a fun day in school cause we had freetime during computer lesson and we could do anything on the com !!!!!!!!!! And my computer teacher is very nice her name is Miss ting and she is also very preety i love her hair alot !!!!! THANKS MISS TING !!!!!!!!

This is weird

its called how to be a nerd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So if you want to be a nerd watch now!!!!!!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

This is freaky mannn

OMG ghost mirror!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is freaky mannn

OMG ghost mirror!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

This is the smaller 1

Isnt he cute AHHAahhaahahhahahhahaahhahahahahaahahahahahahahahhahahaha

This is the bigger 1

he is so big already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HhHhHhHhHHAAaAaaAaaAaAaAaaAaAaaaAAaA

My cozs pic

Arent they so cute and they are from new orleans and they are coming back this year i cant wait ti see them muaks guys i love you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, April 7, 2008

My fave coz

I have 2 fave cousins they are from the usa their names are chase and coner!!!!!!!!!!! They have really nice names!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They look like cute ninja turtles HHHHHhHhHhHhHhHHhHhHaaAaAaaAaAaaAaAaAaaAAaAa They are coming back this year and im so happy muacks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My favourite grandmother

My favourite grandmother is right now in usa and i miss her alot but she will be coming back soooonnnnn so im very happy . She always helps me out with mandarin and stuff !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you was me you would say to all your friends i have a special grandma and always say i love you poh poh

My 2 fave aunty

My 2 fave aunty is aunty pauline and aunty dina they are my fave aunty and they are really nice. Aunty pauline is from new orleanse . And my aunty dina is from singapore. This is the pics if the countries!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Japanes truth or dare

WATCH IT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ITS HALARIOUS IF I SPELLED IT CORRECTLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This guy is in training

This guy is so bad iin english he says always as ass OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Watch it now on my blog HhHhhHhhHHhHhHHAaaAaAAaAAaAaAa

japanese funny video

You should all watch this it is a guy who does not knw how to spk english you could watch it on my blog or you could go on you tube and type japanese counting

Sunday, April 6, 2008

This is my favourite song

My fave song is empty by the click five they are really good watch it now on my blog!!!!they are so goooooooooooooddddddddddddddd OMG

About me and shopping

Ilove shopping its like my hobby i go out every saturday and sundays with my family its like family day !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When i go shopping i dont really buy much except what is needed lah of course !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you also like to go shopping write me a comment and tell me all about your self!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is so scary

Hey yall this is really scary its called ghost car !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!You could watch it on my blog or go on your on!!!!!! try to watch at night all by yourself !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its even scarier !!!!!!

About brian

Hey guys my brother brian is the middle child and im the last. Brian is very responsible and nice funny and good. He is also very protective. And brians hobby is golf . He is very good at golf and 1 day he wants to become llike Tiger woods hahahahahahhah. This is a pic of tiger woods!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My bros band

My bros band is really cool and my bro plys the guitar that is also a good role and he plys really well actually my bros passion is ply piano everyday he plys piano and this is his bands pic!!!!!!!!!!!!!And this bro is eugene i will tell you about brian after this

I love this video

Hey yall this is a very funny video called how to be a gang ster you it is very funny. It is also good for gangsters because they show you what to do so watch it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

My fave band

My fave band is click five cause they are cute and they sing good this is a pic of them

About school

Hey guys i want to tell you about school my school is great it is a private school and the teachers are nice not to say nice nice lah but nice but the nicest teacher is Miss Annie and she is also my class teacher. This is the front of my school


About Me

Hey im 11 years old I go to a nice school and im in 5r . And my best teacher is Miss Annie . My favourite food is japanese food and i have 2 brothers 1 is form 5 and the 2 one is form 3. And I live in a house of course!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And my fave show is teenick . My bfffffffffffffffsssssssssssssssssssss are sarah,noura,kyean,and zee ling,sue ann .And my hobby is 2 read books . OK THAT IS IT FOR NOW

It Was So cool

Hey guys me and bridget went to disney on ice i wanted sarah to come but her mum did not reply my mum so that is why sarah didnt come. I thought it was really cool cause the ice skaters where flying in the air and doing stunts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was really cool that is all for now bye.

Great Parents

Hey guys we have to appreciate our parents cause they have taken care of us scince the day we were born. My mum has thought me a very very good lesson. And if your parents have scodeld you or have beaten you it is for your on good. My FAVOURITE PEOPLE IN THE WORLD ARE MY PARENTS AND FAMILY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So DONT BE RUDE TO YOUR PARENTS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mummy and Daddy i am sorry if i ever be rude to you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Best Friends Forever

Hey yall i and my 2 best friends had a fight you know the girly girly fights where i dont friend you and you dont friend me . This thing happend during school ours and on that day i was sick. We where fighting about kicking out the leader from the group that we are going to dance on open day.Then i said to them we all are friends so dont kick anybody out from our group. We all said sorry to each other and thats what bff for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love you guys alot